Monday, July 28, 2014

The deadly ebola virus is still in the air.

Ebola kills 90% of its victims The Ebola virus is named for the Ebola River, where the first outbreaks occurred in 1976.
The deadly killer, EBOLAEBOLA is a killer disease that is transmitted through body secretions such as sweat, blood, saliva, mucous, breast secretion, tears, urine, and sexual transmission with an infected person.
Puts victim in lots of pain.
There is no cure and the cause is unknown. It can reproduce in 8 hours and when it does, millions of new viruses come out.
  It is the world's most deadly viruses and one of the most painful deaths possible.
  The person can die any were from 3-30 days or even longer.
It is only stopped when it has no more hosts to feed on.
The period between infection with the Ebola virus and the start of symptoms is called the Ebola incubation period, which can be as short as 2 days or as long as 21 days.
Look out for the following!  Fever, sore throat, headaches, weakness, joint and muscle pain, chest pain & bleeding from skin. < Br> In pregnant women, abortion (miscarriage) and heavy vaginal bleeding are common Ebola symptoms.
  Death usually occurs during the second week of Ebola symptoms, and its usually due to massive blood loss.
Prevention is the KEY word!  Wash your hands often with soap and water, sanitizer is a good alternative.
  Avoid contact with people with suspicious signs and places of outbreak.
Watch out for the warning signs which mimics malaria symptoms.
As always, wash your fruits and vegetables before cooking.
Be the USEFUL VIRUS by reporting any SUSPICIOUS case to the nearest health care centre. 

Ebola viral disease

Ebola virus disease (formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever) is a severe, often fatal illness, with a case fatality rate of up to 90%. It is one of the world’s most virulent diseases.The infection is transmitted by direct contact with the blood, body fluids and tissues of infected animals or people. Severely ill patients require intensive supportive care. During an outbreak, those at higher risk of infection are health workers, family members and others in close contact with sick people and deceased patients. Ebola virus disease outbreaks can devastate families and communities, but the infection can be controlled through the use of recommended protective measures in clinics and hospitals, at community gatherings, or at home.

Ebola viral disease

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

How to make money from sheep production

A productive and well managed farm can provide suitable space for profitably raising sheep, With productive sheep and close control of expenses, a profit is possible. Sheep produce income from the sale of meat, wool and milk. The highest-quality meat is produced from lambs, sheep under one year of age. Most sheep are sheared once per year to produce wool. Sheep’s milk is a specialty product often used for cheese production.

Lambing Season
Successful marketing of sheep products is critical for a profitable sheep operation. The price for lamb is often higher in the spring than during other times of the year. Some sheep producers schedule fall lambing to produce market lambs by spring. However, only certain breeds of sheep such as Dorset, Rambouillet and Polypay, lamb during the fall. Most breeds give birth to lambs during the late winter or early spring, producing market lambs for summer or fall sales.

Ewes normally give birth to one to three lambs per year. Most ewes successfully raise two lambs. Twins provide a larger profit than single lambs. The ability to produce twins rather than single lambs is partially inherited. Ewes who are a twin or triplet tend to produce more than one lamb. Careful selection of breeding ewes is necessary for a profit.

Marketing Plan
It is essential to have a marketing plan. Sheep producers sell sheep by auction or directly to slaughterhouses, restaurants or retail outlets. Some producers sell lamb at farmer’s markets. Sheep producers raising purebred sheep sell breeding stock to other producers. A market is necessary for selling wool and sheep’s milk.

During certain times of the year, raising sheep is labor intensive. During lambing season, ewes and newborn lambs require close observation and assistance. If sheep are consuming hay, daily labor is required to feed the hay. Foot trimming, shearing, ear tagging, tail docking and other management practices require skilled labor.

Feed is one of the largest expenses for a sheep- raising operation. Pasture and hay provide most of the feed for the ruminant animals. Small acreage doesn’t allow the production of large amounts of feed. For a profit, it is necessary to find inexpensive sources of good-quality hay or suitable pasture for grazing.

Sheep require protection from predators. Coyotes and stray dogs kill unprotected sheep. Guard dogs, electric fences and close supervision help keep sheep safe. A sound healthcare program with necessary vaccinations keeps the sheep healthy and productive.

How farmers can increase their farm productivity

Use improved Tools and Implements:
Farming is no longer practiced using simple but rather ineffective tools (such as hoes, cutlasses, axes, etc.) that made agriculture tedious and production low. Technology has ushered in tractors, hand-operated planters, wheel barrows, harrows, hand-operated fertilizer drills, combined harvesters which have increased agricultural productivity. Farmers need to be up-to-date on the latest implements and how they can help increase agricultural productivity.

Soil Improvement:
Different crops require different soil nutrients to yield productivity. For instance some soils that support the growth of groundnut may not be good for rice. Science and technology provides us with knowledge about soil requirements. Fertilisers also maintain soil fertility and boost yield. Knowledge of various ways of improving soil quality is important for farmers.

Protect your crops:
There are now herbicides and pesticides which protect crops from weeds and pests that reduce yield. Examples of pesticides are Simazine and Round-up (used in rice cultivation). Pesticides include Gamalin 20 (used to control some cocoa pests) and Aldrex- T (used for seed dressing cereals).

Crop and Animal Improvement:
There are improved varieties of plants and breeds of animals. For instance, modern technology of artificial insemination has brought about a new breed of cows by crossing the exotic Friesian breed (good for milk production) and the disease resistant White Fulani Cow. The offspring is a good milk producer that’s highly resistant to unfavorable weather conditions.

Animal Health: Veterinary doctors specialize in the prevention and treatment of animal diseases. This is possible because of the knowledge of veterinary medicine.

Modern irrigation technology has made the availability of water easier. Various irrigation equipments (like pumps, dams and sprinklers) have been designed. Nigeria has a River Basin and Rural Technology Development Authorities that uses irrigation as a means of boosting food production.

Transportation, Processing and Storage: Modern Science has made it easy for farm products to be transported to different parts of the country. For instance, there are refrigerated trucks used to transport fish and meat. Famers also have means of preserving their harvests. There are also chemicals used to increase the shelf lives of produce. Today there are palm oil mills, rice mills and tomato processing plants unlike the olden days when most of produce processing was done manually. There are now improved bins, silos, rhombus for the efficient storage of farm produce.

16 Reasons why pigs make best pets

  • They’ve got great style.
  • They’re adventurous.
  • They’re inquisitive.
Especially when it comes to food. Like if there's food around, that pig will find it.
  • They’re top-notch loafers.
  • They’ve got infectiously cheerful dispositions.
  • They’re super smart.
This means they can be house-trained, and learn tricks, but it can also mean they will try to outsmart you.
  • They enjoy the finer things in life.
Like basking in the summer sun. Or taking a quick dip.
  • They make fast friends.
Seriously, they love every creature in this world and every creature loves them
  • They’re expert snugglers.
  • They’re always down for a girls’ night in.
  • They SAVE LIVES.
Lucky the pig saved his Illinois family by waking them up in the middle of a house fire. Back in 2002, pot-bellied pig LuLu lay down in the middle of traffic to get a driver to stop and follow her back to her house, and get help for her human who had just suffered a heart attack
  • They’re loyal and affectionate.
  • They’re mischievous.

So be prepared to be kept busy.
  • When they’re babies, they are literal angels.
  • And if it’s the right match for you…
Pigs can grow to upwards of 400 pounds, need access to pools or puddles to cool down in the hot weather, and thrive in homes with a lot of space for roaming and rooting.
    • They can be your new best friend.
  • Sunday, June 22, 2014

    Horrible sea creatures, Are they really existing?

    The Blobfish was recently named the world’s ugliest animal and for good reason. This gnarly looking fish inhabits the deep waters off the coasts of mainland Australia and Tasmania, as well as the waters of New Zealand. Are you ready to bust out the Go Pro camera to hunt down and find this little guy?

    Another hollow beauty, the Ghost Shrimp only has color when it eats something colorful. It only eats plant based foods. It resides in lakes and rivers throughout the central portion of the United States. They are as clear as the glass aquariums thanks to their semi translucent shells.

    The Blind Lobster is also called the Dinochelus ausubeli, which means terrible and fearful in Greek. The new species belongs to the Thaumastochelopsis group, which was represented by only four specimens. The Census of Marine Life collected it at 300 meters.< Br>

    The Jeweled Umbrella Squid was found 1,650 feet beneath the North Atlantic Ocean. The eyes on this distinct beauty are mismatched. One is bigger than the other which helps with scoping it’s prey in the darkness. The sea creature is known to get pretty large in size; 119 centimeters total in length.

    The Sea Angel is normally seen swimming in groups and is classified into six families. The sea slugs are also labeled as “cliones” and was discovered in 2005 by the Census of Marine Life at about 1,148 feet under the ocean. The sea angel is actually a naked snail.

    The Yeti Crab is new to science and belongs to a new family of crustaceans. It is related to lobsters, crabs and shrimps. The hairlike setae provides a nutritional source and hosts mats of chemosynthetic bacteria. The Yeti crab is also apart of the Kiwaidae family.

    The Young Ice Fish has no red blood cells and it’s blood is filled with anti-freeze. The unique underwater creature is adapted to the cold waters of Antarctica continental shelf where it resides.

    The vampire squid shares similarities with the squid and octopus. It is a deep sea cephalopod found throughout the tropical oceans in the world. The phylogenetic relict is the only known survivor of it’s order, Vampyromorphida.

    The deformed looking fish washed up on the Brazilian beach. It’s fins appear to be a cross between legs and wings making it one bizarre discovery. The “Longnose Batfish” uses it’s strong pectoral and pelvic as hands and feet. It is a poor swimmer.

    The albino, and one eyed shark was first discovered as a fetus inside of it’s mother in the Sea of Cortez. Many questioned the legitimacy of this cyclops shark but scientist have confirmed it is real. Thanks to a congenital condition called “cyclopia”, the 22 inch long fetus has one eyed in the front of his head.

    Saturday, June 21, 2014

    News update: A deadly pig disease has the U.S scrambling for solution

    A deadly disease is spreading rapidly through the nation’s pig population, killing hogs by the millions and posing a major threat to the U.S. pork industry. Called Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus, or PEDv, it’s as nasty as it sounds: it causes vomiting and diarrhea in piglets and is nearly always fatal. Pre-weaning it has a 100 percent mortality rate.
    Karen Richter, president of the National Pork Board, calls PEDv ”one of the most serious and devastating diseases our pig farmers have faced in decades.”
    In recent months, the federal government, along with research and industry experts, have ramped up their efforts to contain the disease. Here’s what you need to know about the continued threat:
    When did this become a thing?
    PEDv is a global issue, but the first documented in the U.S. was discovered a year ago. Since then, it’s spread fast, hitting 30 states and killing as estimated 8 million pigs, or a full 10 percent of the nation’s herd. As Rodney “Butch” Baker, a swine biosecurity specialist at Iowa State University, explained to Reuters, “Something like a tablespoon of PEDv infected manure is roughly enough to infect the entire U.S. hog herd.”
    The outbreak peaked this past March, and earlier this month the USDA pledged $26 million to combat the disease.

    Can humans get it? No, just pigs. In the 40 or so years it’s been around, it’s never been transferred from animals to humans, and it’s likely to stay that way. According to the USDA, its presence in food won’t make pork-eaters sick.

    Best tips on how to understand your cats' behaviour

    Understand that a cat can be just as loving, dependent, and attached to you as you like .
    Cats are affectionate and responsive. Every cat's behavior is a result of how he is treated. If you ignore your cat, he will ignore you. If you talk, pet, and play with him often, he will be attached to you.
    To get your attention, cats will often try to get your attention either by sitting close, brusing up against you legs or meowing. Some cats will even bat their eyelids, telling you that they are allowing you in their domain. So go ahead and fuss them! Try giving your cat full attention at least 15-30 minutes each day. This will result in a happy cat, which is more likely to bond to you.

    Know that cats can take care of themselves when necessary .
    They don't need the same kind of care as dogs. But cats also dearly love companionship.

    Realize that most cat owners think of their cats as close companions or as members of the family .
    People talk to their cats, sleep with their cats, and celebrate with their cats on the holidays. Cats greet their owners at the door, follow them about, and come when they are called. They affectionately rub against and 'paddle' (this stems from the cats instinct to feed from their mother, stimulating the milk flow by paddling. The cat should never be stopped from doing this in a bad tempered way, as it will feel hurt!) on people when they are content.

    Realize that if your cat doesn't seem as friendly as you would like then start paying more attention to kitty .
    Call his name when you come in the door and when you feed him. Get some toys and play with him.

    Understand why your cat urinates on your bed or your favorite chair when you are away for several days.
    Although you may think your cat did so out of spite, it is more likely that he felt separation anxiety. The cat was attracted to a place where your scent was strongest.
    Getting into your plants and otherwise making a mess while you are gone could be your cat's way of relieving boredom. It also could be another way of relieving separation anxiety.
    The best way to handle the previous two problems is to "cat-proof" your house before you leave. Close the bedroom door and cover the planters with foil or plastic wrap to keep him out of the dirt. Leave lots of toys out. Ask your cat sitter to play with him while you are away.
    Cats feel jealousy so if you have gotten a new kitten and your older cat suddenly begins to misbehave realize he is jealous. Cats become stressed when any change in routine occurs. It is more likely the cat's eating, play, and sleeping schedules have been changed. You may show a different attitude toward your cat now than you did before. The best cure for "jealousy" is to return to a consistent schedule as soon as possible. Set aside time each day to play with your cat. Even if you have less time available, your cat will appreciate a regular play time.
    Perhaps you have seen your cat accidentally fall off somewhere he was lying. After the fall, he sits up, looks around, and quickly begins to groom himself.
    Although cats are said to be solitary animals, they do form bonds with each other. When two cats become close and one is lost or dies, the remaining cat may be depressed for months. A depressed cat may meow constantly or stop eating. Lots of loving and comfort is needed in this case. Cats are emotional creatures. Cats can feel lonely, bored, frightened, or stressed. They show stress in a variety of ways, from over- grooming to forgetting their toilet habits. Many behavior problems are caused by the cat's sensitive nature.

    Thursday, June 19, 2014

    Best tips on how to train your dog

    Tips on teaching your dog or puppy to sit:

    When teaching your dog to sit, hold your hand high over its head with a reward{food or toy} in it. Your dog will look up at the reward. Use your other hand to gently push the dog's behind into a sitting position, and say in a clear, firm tone, "SIT" while still holding the reward in the air above the dog's head. When your dog sits, give him the treat and verbally praise him. Do not allow your dog to jump up and grab the reward out of your hand. Say firmly, "NO." You will have to repeat this over and over. Eventually your dog will associate sitting with the reward and will sit without your assistance.
    Remember the training sessions should be short but frequent. Repeat this method periodically throughout the day. If you get frustrated, stop and try again later.

    It is usually best to teach your dog to sit before you teach it to stay. The reason is your dog will have an easier time staying if it is in a sitting position. After your dog has the sitting command down, and has been correctly sitting for a couple of days without assistance, it is time to teach your dog to stay and come. Tell your dog to sit. Have two rewards in your hand. After your dog sits, give it one of the rewards.
    Hold your empty hand up like a stop sign in front of your dog's face and back up slowly saying "STAY" clearly and firmly. Be sure to stay facing your dog and remain looking at him. Go a short distance and say with some enthusiasm, "COME." When your dog comes to you reward him again. If your dog gets up and runs to you without the "COME" command, say "NO" and start all over again.
    Remember to verbally praise as well as provide a food reward when he gets a new command correct. Start off only backing up a short distance from your dog. As he begins to understand what you want of him, you may back farther away and eventually you may be able to walk out of sight and have your dog still stay until he hears the "COME" command.
    Remember to be consistent and stop if you become frustrated. Your dog can sense frustration and it will confuse him. They want to please you. If they sense your frustration, they may learn to dislike the training sessions as they associate them with a negative feeling coming from you.

    After successfully teaching your dog to sit, stay, and come—without assistance, it's time to teach him to lie down on command. Tell your dog to sit. Show him the reward you have in your hand. Hold the reward up and then bring it down in front of the dog to the floor and say "DOWN" in a firm clear voice, you can also help the dog by pushing its back down to a lying position . Only give the reward if he lies down to reach it. Do not give it to him if he stands up to reach the reward. Again repeat this throughout the day as much as possible, keeping sessions short and frequent.

    Each training session should include any new commands you are trying as well as old commands the dog has already learned—so the dog does not forget them. Always be consistent. Important: If you become frustrated, stop and try again later.
    Staying positive and taking the time to play with your dog during sessions will teach him that following commands is happy and rewarding.

    Tips on teaching your dog to heel .
    Note: A puppy/dog that goes on daily pack walks is easier to train as it will be calmer and less anxious.

    Wednesday, June 18, 2014

    Fishes are more intelligent than we thought

    Fish have feelings too – at least that's the conclusion of new research out of Australia that says far from being dumb and not feeling pain, fish have primary senses as good as, or better, than humans.

    The study by Culum Brown of Macquarie University, published in Animal Cognition today, says fish are more intelligent than many previously believed.

    Dr Brown says consideration should therefore be given to the welfare of fish just like other animals, and they should be thought of as sentient.

    Most people think about fish as food or pets, but are second only to mice in terms of numbers used in scientific research.

    "Although scientists cannot provide a definitive answer on the level of consciousness for any non- human vertebrate, the extensive evidence of fish behavioural and cognitive sophistication and pain perception suggests that best practice would be to lend fish the same level of protection as any other vertebrate," Dr Brown says.
    The study, which looked at bony fish, found they had good memories, live in complex social communities where they keep track of individuals and learn from each other, developing cultural traditions.

    They can also recognise each other and cooperate, and are capable of using tools and methods of keeping track of quantities.

    The study notes fish behaviour is much the same as primates, except they don't have the ability to imitate.

    The level of mental complexity in fish is comparable with most other vertebrates, and there is growing evidence they feel pain in a way similar to humans.

    Dr Brown believes the misperceptions people have of fish as being unintelligent is influenced by humans not often coming into contact with them in their natural environments.

    There are more than 32,000 known species of fish, outweighing the diversity of all other vertebrates combined.

    Friday, May 30, 2014


    The Cuttlefish Mating Ritual

    1. Cuttlefish are sea mollusks that resemble squids. Their camouflaging abilities of color changes for protection also help in attracting females. The male dominated cuttlefish population results in a constant battle for a single female’s attention. However size is of no consequence and the intelligent ones succeed by disguising themselves as females to maneuver through clusters of males towards an unsuspecting female. They will hide their additional arm used as a sperm dispenser. Some fish also have the ability to appear as half male and half female to ward off rivals.

  • The Water Strider Mating Ritual

    1. The water strider may be an insignificant little water fly, but when it comes to mating, the male is very demanding. Without any ritualistic dance or attraction he will climb atop the female expecting her to give in immediately. If she fails to do so he attempts to kill her by rippling the water to attract a predator towards her. He will only stop the rippling activity if she gives in. The female’s singular ability to fertilize eggs produced throughout a lifespan makes her disinterested in mating. It is only due to the male’s threats that they do so.

  • The Albatross Bird Mating Ritual
    1. The cartoon like mating ritual of the albatross birds involves movements with their bills mimicking a sort of sword fencing fight. However these birds are totally monogamous preferring the company of each other lifelong. Throughout their 50 year lifespan, they will breed with the same partner every year. The bill dance is a major vocal event with a lot of clucking and cackling noise unique to the pair involved. With time the ritual gets subdued and lessens with age similar to the marital relationships of human beings.

  • Sea Horses Mating Rituals

    1. Sea horses tend to behave in the same way as humans where mating and attraction is concerned. Before a couple can actually mate they will meet every day to engage in social activity and intimacy. In perfect synchronization, they will swim, entwine their tails, and move along with each other. A perfectly romantic process, leads to the female carefully placing her eggs in the abdominal pouch of the male. Here the male is the pregnant partner, weird but true. Once the babies are born they are abandoned on their own and the male looks for a new female again

  • The Prairie Voles Mating Ritual

    1. It is surprising to learn that prairie voles actually provide scientists with a case study for observing human bonding and why some tend to be promiscuous. Prairie voles due to their high content of natural neurochemical receptors like vasopressin and oxytocin are ensured of a strong bonding with their partners. Although some do tend t have affairs with other voles, in general they will remain faithful with one partner throughout their lifespan. The same partners will remain with each other raising several litters throughout the year.

  • The Puffer Fish Mating Ritual

    1. The puffer fish is truly artistic in his mating attempts. This little 12 cm fish will go to great lengths to decorate the ocean floor over an area of 2 meters in a circled pattern using coral and shells. This artwork nest takes about 12 days after which the female lays eggs within the center of the circled design. The elaborate designs are reflective of the strength of the male puffer which is what attracts the female. These designs have intrigued scientists in earlier years until a live photographed act revealed the designs as the work of the little puffer.

  • The Quoll Mating Ritual

    1. The Quoll is a little marsupial found in the Australian region. Their size and innocence however is in extreme contrast to their aggressive mating. When the female is ready to mate, the male will copulate with such violent force that the female may be lucky to survive the process with just cuts and bruises. In some cases the male ends up killing his partner in the act or he is shunned by her. However what’s weird is that he may also end up killing himself due to exhaustive multiple attempts of mating and fighting other males.

  • The Flamingo Mating Ritual

    1. When flamingoes mate it is an enjoyable dance in perfect synchronization involving the entire community. Akin to a well-choreographed chorus line, the birds will strut, stretch, puff and swivel about in perfect unison. Preceding every ritual, the males will oil themselves all over through secretions from a gland on the tail. This oil is also a protective cover from natural elements. It is believed that the female chooses a mate by close observation of the male who mirrors her actions best.

  • The Bower bird Mating Ritual

    1. The male bower bird is all class and sophistication when it comes to impressing his female. In order to attract her he will build a perfect beautiful nest complete with uniform design. Even the entrance will be a decorative arch lined with colorful objects. The perfection is reflective in the placement of objects that ensure the illusion of objects appearing uniform in size to the female. The nest building process is the main activity of the bower bird and it usually the more experienced older birds that get the female.

  • The Scorpion Mating Ritual

    1. The mating ritual of scorpions may seem a lively dance, but in effect, the wild aggressive actions initiated by the male are actually a defense mechanism to protect against the female’s bizarre nature of trying to devour his head first. Scorpions mate on moonless nights with the male hovering around the female a good 20 minutes. He then clasps the female’s pincers with his in order to restrain her and then deposits a spermatophore containing sperm on the surface of the ground. The female then absorbs the sperm into herself.

  • NEWS: Agriculture Should Be Treated As Business

    Nigeria: Agriculture Should Be Treated As Business - -Experts

    30 May 2014 , By Jimoh Babatunde, Source: Vanguard

    Experts from the agricultural sector in Africa emphasized that shift in mindset is paramount in breaking the problem of low production of both food and cash crops on the continent. The experts agreed that although Africa has a large labour force in its agricultural sector, comprising 57% of the working population, it still heavily relies on food imports.

    "This means that farmers are simply not producing enough food to feed the continent's surging population estimated at one billion people."

    In an interactive session titled "From Farm to Market" at the just concluded Annual Meetings of the African Development Bank (AfDB) in Kigali, Rwanda, the experts brought to light solutions to persistent challenges in the agricultural sector.
    "Despite the fact that Africa has a rich biodiversity and most of the people are engaged in farming activities, production is still very wanting. Africa imports US $25 billion worth of food each year, with only US $1 billion coming from Africa. It means that we are not fully exploiting the opportunities in this important sector," Nigeria's Minister of Agriculture, Akinwunmi Adesina, said.
    "It is high time we realized that agriculture can no longer be treated as a social activity or a normal development program. It must be treated as a business and managed as an enterprise because it is the future of Africa's socio- economic development."

    He said that mechanization and irrigation programs must be emphasized throughout the continent, while governments must concentrate on finding more incentives to farmers. "We must think of mechanization; irrigation activity in Africa's arable land is still as low as 3%, while farmers still predominantly use hoes to till their gardens. We need to use production methods that are adequate, that add value and volume to the produce coming from farms," he said. "Governments should ensure that farmers' products have ready markets. They should also register all biometrics about the farmers in their countries, so that they follow them up and know all their challenges."

    According to the founder of the Eastern Africa Farmers Federation (EAFF), Philip Kiriro, Africa's youthful population should be trained to develop agri-business models that not only create jobs but also contribute significantly to the continent's food basket.

    Thursday, May 29, 2014

    Animal Jokes


    1. Two bats were hanging upside down on a branch. One asks the other, "Do you recall your worst day last year?" The other responds, "Yes, the day I had diarrhea!"
      By LadyD.

    1. Two dog owners are arguing over whose dog is the cleverest. ‘My dog is so smart’, says the first owner, ‘that every morning he waits for the paper boy to come round. He tips the boy and then brings the newspaper to me, along with my morning cup of coffee.’ ‘I know,’ says the second owner.
      ‘How do you know?’
      ‘My dog told me.
  • Tuesday, May 27, 2014


    We humans are constantly putting in efforts to make a better and safer life for ourselves, but the world remains a dangerous place. As for wild animals, what determines their danger level might not necessarily be size.
    We may think of some of these animals as friendly or harmless, but sometimes even “friendly” or docile-seeming species can become dangerous if provoked.
    Here is a list of the top 10 most dangerous animals on earth, beginning with number 10.

    Monday, May 26, 2014


    Many of us in the process of making some researches always come across some terminologies being used in fishery, but here are some basic terms being used, it will definitely make it easier to understand your researches.

    Aquaculture - also known as aquafarming, it is the controlled growth of aquatic species.

    Pisciculture - aquaculture practice involving finned fish.

    Extensive aquaculture - managed aquaculture dependent on the local natural setting, such as a pond or coastal sea area.

    Intensive aquaculture - managed aquaculture controlled through human engineered means, such as managing water quality and sources of food.

    Fish farm - locations used to grow populations of aquatic organisms, primarily fish.

    Fish Hatchery - one form of a fish farm, managed with the intent of resupplying native wild populations in natural environments.

    Ornamental fish - are small fish, such as koi, which are typically grown to be kept in aquariums or small landscape ponds.

    Game fish - Fish, such as trout, raised to become replenishment stock for natural sport fisheries.

    Wild fishing harvest - the commercial and personal fishing consumption in a specific area and over a specific time frame.

    Fish farming Water Quality - the characteristics of water, such as water temperature and contamination, which define its ability to sustain life and its purity from chemicals.

    Culture tanks - Artificial holding areas used to rear fish farm stocks.

    Fish husbandry - the breeding and rearing of fish for a variety of reasons.

    Anadromous fish - migratory fish that live in salt water but breed in fresh water.

    Catadromous fish - migratory fish that live in fresh water but breed in salt water.

    Amphidromous fish - migratory fish that live in both fresh and salt water, independent of breeding.

    Potamodromous fish - migratory fish that move within fresh water only.

    Oceanodromous fish - migratory fish that move within salt water only.

    Genotyping - determining the genetic makeup of a fish or stock or the purpose of managing the efficiency of aquaculture production.

    In vitro fertilization - artificially fertilizing fish eggs in a laboratory setting.

    Fish meal - commercially processed food source used in fish farming as a source of protein for the fish stock.

    Fry - Development stage of fish immediately after the larvae stage, at an age of less than a week.

    Fingerling - Development stage of fish following the fry stage and continuing into the first three to four months of life.

    Yearling - Development stage of fish following the fingerling stage and lasting until approximately one year of age. Brood stock - fish of any particular species which are raised for reproduction purposes.

    Fish kill - a description of the number of fish stock to die in a specific amount of time. Pond acreage - area committed to extensive aquaculture holdings at a fish farm or company.

    Environmental Overfishing - detrimental practice of removing more of a natural aquatic species than what natural reproduction can support.

    Friday, May 23, 2014


    for now i am still a lay-man when it comes to poultry medication and have no qualifications in this field yet so this information should, naturally be taken as a 'view' and part of your overall research into what is best for your poultry.

    A ntibiotics are a fairly common treatment given to poultry on prescription to treat a variety of infections. Baytril or Tylan are often given to chickens with respiratory problems for example (and seem to work well for this complaint) but what is the risk is to our health when we are using antibiotics in animals that are producing food for human consumption?

    POULTRY SANITATION [cleaning and disinfecting]


    After so many questions being asked on how our poultry can be sanitized [cleaned and disinfected] so I decided to be of help, the ravage of diseases has been a very big problem affecting poultry farms and these diseases are caused by some micro-organisms[bacteria, fungi, virus].
    Not all micro-organisms are harmful, some are harmless[free-living], but the best way to eradicate diseases in your poultry is to treat all of them like they are severe and dangerous.
    These disease, even though tough but can still be prevented, and this can be done by sanitation i.e cleaning and disinfecting.


    Cleaning is to be done before disinfecting inorder to get the best out of the disinfectants and when I said cleaning I meant thorough cleaning, make sure you remove as much organic matter as practicable from surfaces to be disinfected. All debris including down, egg shells, droppings, tissue residues, etc. must be removed from the hatchery. This is followed by thorough cleaning using warm water and appropriate cleaning aides. Care is focused on selecting the proper detergent and thus producing the cleanest hatchery environment possible. Special attention is placed on compensating for variations in hardness, salinity and pH of the cleaning water. A thorough rinsing with abundant quantities of clean sanitized water completes the cleaning process and removes most lingering residues of detergents and organic matter or microbial organisms that can interfere with the effectiveness of a disinfectant.


    After getting rid of the visible organic matter by cleaning, we would ask ourselves "how can the unseen{microorganisms} be gotten rid of??". That's where the disinfectant solution comes in, it is used to kill microorganism, there are different types of disinfectants and not all disinfectants are suitable for every situation.
    Only after the facilities have been thoroughly cleaned are the surfaces treated with an appropriate disinfectant solution.
    When selecting a disinfectant carefully consider:
    • The type of surface being treated
  • .
    • The cleanliness of the surface
  • .
    • The type of organism being treated
  • .
    • The durability of the equipment/surface material
  • .
    • Time limitations on treatment duration
  • .
    • residual activity requirements
  • .
    Disinfectants can be divided into seven categories;

    Thursday, May 22, 2014



    • Pigs, are very intelligent animals. They recognise and respond to their names by the time they are 2-3 weeks old
  • .
    • Pigs are very clean and keep their toilet area far away from their main living and eating area
  • .

    • Early ancestors to the horse such as hyracatherium who lived 50 million years ago, were as small as cats
  • .
    • A horses' height is measured in hands, each hand equals four inches
  • .
    • A 1,200-pound horse eats about 7 times its own weight each year
  • .

    • There are about one billion sheep on the planet New zealand has 10 times as many sheeps as humans.
      When woodraw wilson was president of the USA, he kept sheeps on the white house lawn
  • .
    • Every cow has a unique pattern of spots
  • .
    • Cows provide 90% of the world's milk, the best milkers can provide 400 glasses of milk a day
  • .
    • Cows graze for about 8 hours a day
  • .

    • Hens lay an average of 300 eggs a year
  • .
    • The chicken is the closest living relative of tyrannosaurus rex
  • .
    • Hens lay larger eggs as they get older
  • .

    Wednesday, May 21, 2014


    AQUACULTURE Fish farming is the principal form of aquaculture, while other methods may fall under mariculture. Fish farming involves raising fish commercially in tanks or enclosures, usually for food. A facility that releases juvenile fish into the wild for recreational fishing or to supplement a species' natural numbers is generally referred to as a fish hatchery. Worldwide, the most important fish species used in fish farming are carp, salmon, tilapia and catfish.
    There is an increasing demand for fish and fish protein, which has resulted in widespread overfishing in wild fisheries. Fish farming offers fish marketers another source. However, farming carnivorous fish, such as salmon, does not always reduce pressure on wild fisheries, since carnivorous farmed fish are usually fed fishmeal and fish oil extracted from wild forage fish.
    Major categories of fish aquaculture
    There are two kinds of aquaculture: extensive aquaculture based on local photosynthetical production and intensive aquaculture, in which the fish are fed with external food supply. Extensive aquaculture

    Limiting for growth here is the available food supply by natural sources, commonly zooplankton feeding on pelagic algae or benthic animals, such as crustaceans and mollusks. Tilapia species filter feed directly on phytoplankton, which makes higher production possible. The photosynthetic production can be increased by fertilizing the pond water with artificial fertilizer mixtures, such as potash, phosphorus, nitrogen and micro-elements.
    Because most fish are carnivorous, they occupy a higher place in the trophic chain and therefore only a tiny fraction of primary photosynthetic production (typically 1%) will be converted into harvest-able fish.

    Another issue is the risk of algal blooms.

    Monday, May 19, 2014


    Poultry farming
    poultry at your backyard
    poultry on a largescale(intensive farming)

    firstly, you have to know what aspect you want to be based on. Is it????
    • Egg production
    • Meat production
    • Poultry feed production
    • Chicken breeding

  • Secondly, you have to know the type of bird you want to breed.
    • Chicken
    • Turkey
    • Goose
    • Duck
    • Peacock

  • But I would be writing on chicken breeding for meat, there is hardly any person that doesn't eat meat.

    thirdly, now you would look at how much you want to start with (capital)
    Poultry farming is capital intensive depending on the scale, but if its a poultry behind your house(small scale), it would require littile capital (ranging from N5000 - N15000) depending on the size, but if its a large scale poultry depending on how large, it would require N100,000 - and above. The scale is directly proportional to the capital.

    fourthly, look for a good location, because its vital to the success and profit of the farm. Locate your farm where there is large availability of cheap land and if its your backyard its still good, at the same time it shouldn't be situated in a residential area because the poultry produces odour which can be very offensive.

    furthermore, how to house your birds is another challenge but there are three types of housing methods employed in respect to housing your bird.
    • extensive system - free range
    • semi-intensive
    • intensive system - deep litter, battery cage, wire and slated floor

  • if you are running a small scale poultry and you are using your backyard, adopt the method of building a cage (intensive system) and start breeding your birds, but if its in large scale, you should adopt the intensive system, I think I prefer the deep litter system but you know its your farm, your choices count. NOTE each type of housing has its own advantages and disadvantages. Now your poultry house should be built.

    the following equipment may be needed on your poultry farm.
    • feeders
    • drinkers
    • lighting system
    • waste disposal system
    • heaters and brooders
    • cages and coops
    • nests
    • crates
    • egg tray
    • incubator

  • but for people small scale you may only need the first five.
    Now you all what you need to start your farm, let's put it all together, when you have your building erected, go and search for place to get healthy day old chicks put them in a very. Warm place that has been thoroughly disinfected to prevent them from diseases, make sure no cold breeze comes in because of their body temperature you can put even put source of heat like lantern or bulb, then u'ld feed them with chick starters feed and give them a lot of water with appropriate vitamins and antibiotics (see your vet) continue till about 6 weeks with constant supervision,when they are strong enough you can now bring them out to the place you have built for them and feed them morning and evening. You can start selling off your birds when they reach full maturity between 20 – 24 weeks. The payback period of a poultry farming business is between 3 – 5 years.


    Pig farming Pigs on the farm A sow and her piglets
    Pigs can be farmed as free range, being allowed to wander around a village, kept in fields, or tethered in a simple shelter. In developed countries, farming has moved away from traditional pig farming and pigs are now typically intensively farmed.
    Today, pig farms are much larger than in the past, with most large-scale farms housing 5,000 or more pigs in climate-controlled buildings. With 100 million pigs slaughtered each year, these efficiencies deliver affordable meat for consumers and larger profits for producers.
    Individual farm management focuses on housing facilities, feeding and ventilation systems, temperature and environmental controls and the economic viability of their operations. Just as producers have to determine profit margins and types of facilities and equipment for their farm, they must also find the practices that best fit their specific situation. Some procedures and treatments are known to stress the animals and producers should consider the animals' welfare, health and management in correspondence with accepted husbandry skills.

    how to start a pig farm

    The first thing you have to do is get a suitable place for your pigs' pen, it has to be spacious and well ventilated because pigs don't have sweat glands so they need the ventilation to keep them cool, pigs needs space so they can move around but not too much so their muscle tissue won't develop too much, therefore making their meat tough.
    A good pen should be 10 by 10 feet of moving space and 5 by 5 feet of eating space. Pigs produce foul smell so try and locate your pen in an isolated area.

    Secondly, check the internet or your neighbourhood for places and people that sell piglets, buy healthy piglets ranging from the age of four weeks and eight weeks old.

    Thirdly, you must also provide a strong and seperate food and water trough, if possible let it be a galvanized iron so its easy to clean.
    Now you have to get a good source of NUTRITION, you must have a regular source of food for your pigs. This is kind of easy because pigs eat anything that is edible, but make sure you boil any scrap food you give them to prevent them from bacteria and diseases. Mix their feed with something full of nutrients like vitamins and minerals. You can go the natural way and give them lots of fruits and vegetables. Some prefer commercial supplements.

    Water is essential in keeping your pigs healthy, pigs need water to stay hydrated especially since they don't sweat, so provide a source of water where they can wash themselves or even stay in it to keep themselves cool, you can change the water regularly if necessary.

    Pig manure is one of the problems if you’re keeping pigs for meat or breeding. Aside from the annoying smell, you need to manually clean their pens to get rid of the manure. More often than not, their drinking water will have some waste in them too. However, this can be a welcome annoyance. Find someone who is willing to buy pig manure from you. This is valuable in crop farming as they are excellent fertilizers. You can earn a little extra from something a bit disgusting.

    Another important thing to know on how to start pig farming to generate money is determine the possible market. For huge pig farms, there won’t be much of a problem. Usually, large companies will be the one to approach you to see if your pigs are of high quality so they can start purchasing from you. You should be wary of the competition, though. With the high demand for quality pork, more and more people are entering the industry. You will still need to advertise and approach the companies if necessary. For small-time pig farmers, your market will circle around your neighbourhood or community. In any case, you must be aware of the standard selling price of pork cuts or whole pigs to avoid unscrupulous people.

    The biggest secrets on how to start a pig farm is to have the determination to succeed and to have ample knowledge on the subject. And knowledge? you already have, so go out there and make some money for yourself.