The Blobfish was recently named the world’s ugliest animal and for good reason. This gnarly looking fish inhabits the deep waters off the coasts of mainland Australia and Tasmania, as well as the waters of New Zealand. Are you ready to bust out the Go Pro camera to hunt down and find this little guy?
Another hollow beauty, the Ghost Shrimp only has color when it eats something colorful. It only eats plant based foods. It resides in lakes and rivers throughout the central portion of the United States. They are as clear as the glass aquariums thanks to their semi translucent shells.

The Blind Lobster is also called the Dinochelus ausubeli, which means terrible and fearful in Greek. The new species belongs to the Thaumastochelopsis group, which was represented by only four specimens. The Census of Marine Life collected it at 300 meters.< Br>
The Jeweled Umbrella Squid was found 1,650 feet beneath the North Atlantic Ocean. The eyes on this distinct beauty are mismatched. One is bigger than the other which helps with scoping it’s prey in the darkness. The sea creature is known to get pretty large in size; 119 centimeters total in length.
The Sea Angel is normally seen swimming in groups and is classified into six families. The sea slugs are also labeled as “cliones” and was discovered in 2005 by the Census of Marine Life at about 1,148 feet under the ocean. The sea angel is actually a naked snail.
The Yeti Crab is new to science and belongs to a new family of crustaceans. It is related to lobsters, crabs and shrimps. The hairlike setae provides a nutritional source and hosts mats of chemosynthetic bacteria. The Yeti crab is also apart of the Kiwaidae family.
The Young Ice Fish has no red blood cells and it’s blood is filled with anti-freeze. The unique underwater creature is adapted to the cold waters of Antarctica continental shelf where it resides.
The vampire squid shares similarities with the squid and octopus. It is a deep sea cephalopod found throughout the tropical oceans in the world. The phylogenetic relict is the only known survivor of it’s order, Vampyromorphida.
The deformed looking fish washed up on the Brazilian beach. It’s fins appear to be a cross between legs and wings making it one bizarre discovery. The “Longnose Batfish” uses it’s strong pectoral and pelvic as hands and feet. It is a poor swimmer.
The albino, and one eyed shark was first discovered as a fetus inside of it’s mother in the Sea of Cortez. Many questioned the legitimacy of this cyclops shark but scientist have confirmed it is real. Thanks to a congenital condition called “cyclopia”, the 22 inch long fetus has one eyed in the front of his head.