- Pigs, are very intelligent animals. They recognise and respond to their names by the time they are 2-3 weeks old
- Pigs are very clean and keep their toilet area far away from their main living and eating area
- Early ancestors to the horse such as hyracatherium who lived 50 million years ago, were as small as cats
- A horses' height is measured in hands, each hand equals four inches
- A 1,200-pound horse eats about 7 times its own weight each year
- There are about one billion sheep on the planet New zealand has 10 times as many sheeps as humans.
When woodraw wilson was president of the USA, he kept sheeps on the white house lawn
- Every cow has a unique pattern of spots
- Cows provide 90% of the world's milk, the best milkers can provide 400 glasses of milk a day
- Cows graze for about 8 hours a day

- Hens lay an average of 300 eggs a year
- The chicken is the closest living relative of tyrannosaurus rex
- Hens lay larger eggs as they get older